Neal Layton news

Archive for the ‘Dr Huw Lewis Jones’ category

Educational Writers’ Award

November 16th, 2021

  So excited to learn that A Climate in Chaos has been shortlisted for the @ALCS_UK Educational Writers’ Award nestling amongst a fantastic selection… 👇 I couldn’t have made this book without help from Dr James G Dyke, Dr Huw Lewis Jones,  Liza Miller, Sophie Stericker, Namishka Doshi, Alison Eldred, Arena Illustration and of course my publisher Wren […]

Today’s the day

May 14th, 2020

I’m delighted to announce that “A Climate in Chaos” is published today! I couldn’t have made the book without the help of: Dr James G Dyke, Dr Huw Lewis Jones, Liza Miller, Sophie Stericker, Debbie Foy, Namishka Doshi, Alison Eldred,   Arena Ilustration, Wren and Rook Publishing, Plastic Free Portsmouth, Just One Ocean,  Sadie Tierney […]

Thanks to Huw and James

May 12th, 2020

  Creating a book about Climate Change took a lot of research and thought. Luckily I had the help of two experts Dr Huw Lewis Jones and Dr James Dyke which is why A Climate in Chaos is dedicated to them. A huge thanks to them both for their invaluable experience and expertise.     […]

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