Neal Layton news

A sneak peak of the exhibition of artworks from Michael Rosen’s Rover books opening at The Portsmouth Guildhall tomorrow. (Sorry about the shakey one handed phone photos!)   Neal Layton: ‘Illustrated’ 18 March – 17 May, Portsmouth Guildhall, Guildhall Square, PO1 2AB. Open 9-5, Monday to Friday and 11-2 on Saturday. Neal Layton: ‘Illustrating’ 13 […]

Exhibitions in Portsmouth

March 2nd, 2015

I’m very excited to announce that this month I will be exhibiting my work in not one, but two galleries here in my home city of Portsmouth! Both shows have been curated and organised by the Aspex gallery, and will open later this month. For Neal Layton- ‘Illustrating’  I’ll be re-creating my workplace in their cafe gallery! Expect to see  sketches, […]

Under the Spotlight

February 13th, 2015

Thrilled to be a part of ‘Under the Spotlight’– a new exhibition at Coastguard Studios showcasing some of the many creatives working in Portsmouth. I’m exhibiting two original drawings from the Mammoth Academy books, with the books displayed underneath so you can spot the illustrations. Exhibiting alongside me is my wife Sadie Tierney, who is showing […]

Marvellous Mammoths

February 4th, 2015

The Norris Museum in St Ives is currently running an exhibition called ‘Marvellous Mammoths’ featuring none other that Oscar and Arabella! The exhibition runs from 24th January through till 24th April, with a ‘Hot, Hot, Hot’ storytelling event on 19th February. Check their website here for more details… Oscar gets woolier everytime someone visits the exhibition… ‘Norris’ […]

Arena Illustration Interview

December 4th, 2014

Over the last year my agent has been regularly profiling each of their artists on their blog. My interview has just gone up here… And you can look at some of the other entries here. I’ve found it fascinating to read about my peers backgrounds and studio practices, so a big thanks to all at Arena and Emma Swabey for organising […]

Emily Brown Stickers…

October 15th, 2014

Hodder Chidren’s books have made some snazzy Emily Brown stickers to coincide with the new reprints of all four books. Keep an eye out for them at forthcoming events!

Illustrators for War Child

September 3rd, 2014

Fancy owning an original Oscar and Arabella drawing and helping children in war torn regions? Then get yourself to the Illustrators for Warchild  auction now running on eBay! The Illustrators For Warchild auction was the brainchild of Leigh Hodgkinson, who wanted to find a way to raise money to help the children around the world […]

Bigger Poo Available Soon

August 29th, 2014

That’s right! New bigger editions of ‘Poo’, ‘Talk, Talk, Squawk!’ and Deadly will be published by Walker Books this November, with the other three books in the series to follow in 2015. ‘Poo: A Natural History of the Unmentionable’, ‘Talk, Talk, Squawk!’ and ‘Deadly’ are written by Nicola Davies and illustrated by Neal Layton.

Emily Brown Education Pack

July 28th, 2014

To accompany the stage play of Emily Brown and the Thing, Tall Stories have put together an education Pack, with lots of great games and activities related to the themes of the book that you can do at home or with your class. Just click the link here to download it!

It's that Thing again!

July 23rd, 2014

As Tall Stories production of Emily Brown and the Thing continues it’s UK tour, here are some more amazing photos from the play… With Emily Brown played by Anna Wheatley, Stanley played by Sam Donovan and The Thing played by Chris Gunter. SPLISH! SPLOSH! The noise seemed to be coming from the window… Emily and Stanley about […]

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