Neal Layton news

Archive for the ‘Orchard Books’ category

Emily Brown at Didcot

December 29th, 2016

#EmilyBrown ‘s @cornerstoneartscentre !!! #thatrabbitbelongstoemilybrown #hodderchildrensbooks #childrensbooks #childrenstheater #kidsbookstagram @hodderbooks #cressidacowell A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Dec 23, 2016 at 8:47am PST

Stanley Rabbit Screenprints

November 29th, 2016

Printing some limited edition screenprints of Emily Brown & Stanley today for the @hotwallsstudios #festive #pop-up at the Round Tower, Old Portsmouth next Saturday 3/12/16 where I will be signing books šŸ“ššŸ˜„ #screenprint #limitededition #silkscreens #printmaking #printworkshop #childrensbookillustrator #thatrabbitbelongstoemilybrown #emilybrown #emilybrownandstanley #hodderchildrens #kidslit #kidslitart #illustratorsofinstagram #hodderchildrensbooks #visitportsmouth @teamlocals A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) […]

#Repost @hachettekids with @repostapp 惻惻惻 We're at @thebookpeople's Bedtime Story competition ceremony! @neal_layton is doing a live Emily Brown! ā¤ļø A photo posted by @neal_layton on Nov 3, 2016 at 8:55am PDT

The Institute of Early Childhood have published a new article using Emily Brownā€™s CITVĀ appearance as a case study. Densely written (!) but interesting to see how academics analyse things… AĀ Link to theĀ article here…  

Emily Brown Drawing

February 6th, 2016

  Practicing drawing Emily Brown and Stanley for a school visit next week…   IMG_7975 from Neal Layton on Vimeo.

A New Look for the New Year…

January 21st, 2016

  …all four Emily Brown books, have been re-printed with shiny new covers! Ā  Ā 

The Power of Reading

October 18th, 2015

Last week I was invited to speak at aĀ ‘Power of Reading’Ā conference, run by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education. It was really inspiring to meet all the teachers there, and see theĀ valuable workĀ CLPEĀ does.Ā Thank you for inviting me, and for the warm welcome! The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education is a charity that providesĀ training […]

‘On Thursday 2nd July Chichester High School for Girls had the illustrator / author Neal Layton visit the library. We were joined by three local primary schools who we have been working with on a transition project. ‘Nealā€™s talk was fascinating. He talked about the books he had written and illustrated the materials he uses […]

Hay Festival 2015

June 5th, 2015

Delighted to be included in the impressive line up at the Hay-on-Wye Literary Festival last week. Great to work alongside Cressida CowellĀ again,Ā a bigĀ thanks to the organisers, and all who came along to the event! Here’s a few pictures…  

Eye spy at the Apsex

March 20th, 2015

If you’re heading to theĀ Apsex gallery with your kids this weekend, why not tryĀ playingĀ ‘Eye Spy’Ā whist you’reĀ there? These four things are hiddenĀ in the exhibition. You can download a copyĀ here, or pick up oneĀ at the gallery…

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