Neal Layton news

Marvellous Mammoths

February 4th, 2015

The Norris Museum in St Ives is currently running an exhibition called ‘Marvellous Mammoths’ featuring none other that Oscar and Arabella!

The exhibition runs from 24th January through till 24th April, with a ‘Hot, Hot, Hot’ storytelling event on 19th February. Check their website here for more details…


Oscar gets woolier everytime someone visits the exhibition…


‘Norris’ the woolly mammoth model.

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Chris Thomas surveys a mammoth tooth.


2 Responses to “Marvellous Mammoths”

  1. Chris Thomas

    Dear Neal,Oscar and Arabella, thanks for your support and interest. I thoroughly enjoyed putting the exhibition together under your longtime friend Gilly’s supervision. This week, I talked to 120 Thorndown Primary School about your heat loving great, great…..great, great grandparents, the Southern mammoth and the grass eating Steppe mammoth. And of course I talked about your cuddly, woolly relatives who walked, stomped and danced around St Ives. We were sad they had to leave when it became too hot. Looking up into the sky in mid January, I marvelled at comet Lovejoy, which would have seen them when it last visited 11,500 years ago. Best wishes to all of you, Chris

  2. admin

    Thanks Chris.
    The exhibition looks fascinating, and with you bringing it to life with your explanations, I’m sure it has captured the childrens’ imaginaions! –also I didn’t know about comet Lovejoy, what an amazing thought. Can’t beleive I missed seeing it.Doubtful I’ll catch it when it next visits! Best wishes,
    Neal 🙂

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