Neal Layton news

First Copies…

December 13th, 2022

Ventnor Fringe Festival

July 22nd, 2022

Plastic Free July Books

July 19th, 2022

So happy to see my book amongst this FAB selection!

Educational Writers’ Award

November 16th, 2021


So excited to learn that A Climate in Chaos has been shortlisted for the @ALCS_UK Educational Writers’ Award nestling amongst a fantastic selection… 👇

I couldn’t have made this book without help from Dr James G Dyke, Dr Huw Lewis Jones,  Liza Miller, Sophie Stericker, Namishka Doshi, Alison Eldred, Arena Illustration and of course my publisher Wren and Rook.

Thank you all.



Neal’s Store

November 8th, 2021

Now online – an occasional place to purchase Neal’s artworks and other sundry – Neal’s Store!

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Climate in Chaos Shortlisted

February 5th, 2021

Hugely grateful to the Association for Science Education for shortlisting ‘A Climate in Chaos’ for their Book of the Year awards!

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Letter from lockdown

May 27th, 2020

My letter from lockdown written for the Childrens Bookshow.


Today’s the day

May 14th, 2020

I’m delighted to announce that “A Climate in Chaos” is published today!

I couldn’t have made the book without the help of:

Sophie Stericker,




A BIG thanks to all!





Thanks to Huw and James

May 12th, 2020


Creating a book about Climate Change took a lot of research and thought. Luckily I had the help of two experts Dr Huw Lewis Jones and Dr James Dyke which is why A Climate in Chaos is dedicated to them. A huge thanks to them both for their invaluable experience and expertise.
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Dr Huw Lewis Jones is an environmental historian and explorer. It’s incredible photos from his polar expeditions that I used for collage. More about him on his wikipedia… and he also writes Childrens books!





Dr James Dyke is a leading expert on the Earth’s systems, and the effects humans are having upon them. If you’d like to learn more about him check out his fantastic film ‘The Race is On’ or his articles for publications like The Independent.



A Climate in Chaos film

May 11th, 2020

‘A Climate in Chaos’ is published this week. Here’s a short film explaining a bit about the book…

A Climate in Chaos is published by  Wren and Rook

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