To accompany the stage play of Emily Brown and the Thing, Tall Stories have put together an education Pack, with lots of great games and activities related to the themes of the book that you can do at home or with your class.
Just click the link here to download it!

Filed under: Cressida Cowell, Emily Brown and the Thing, Neal Layton, Orchard Books, tall stories | Comment (0)
As Tall Stories production of Emily Brown and the Thing continues it’s UK tour, here are some more amazing photos from the play…
With Emily Brown played by Anna Wheatley, Stanley played by Sam Donovan and The Thing played by Chris Gunter.

SPLISH! SPLOSH! The noise seemed to be coming from the window…

Emily and Stanley about to enter the Wild and Whirling Wastes.

Still trying to get to sleep…

It’s that Thing again!
Filed under: Cressida Cowell, Emily Brown and the Thing, Orchard Books, tall stories | Comment (0)
A short film of my 1 year old daughter helping with the development of my ‘This is me‘ baby book series, published by Walker Books.
If she didn’t like a drawing, it didn’t pass ‘quality control’. As you can see there was much excitement and finger pointing!

Filed under: Board Books, This is Me, Walker Books | Comment (0)
Friday night saw the preview of the University of Portsmouth’s degree shows 2014.
The opening was as busy and bustling as ever with palpable air of excitement and anticipation. Best of luck to all the graduates!
The show continues until 6th June 10am-4pm weekdays only.

90’s icons by Megan Bell.

Educational childrens books and soft toys by Lucinda Wride.

Black and white imagery by Joy La Jaxx.

Poster by Christian Bennett shows the way to the student shop…

For more info on students past and present visit –
Filed under: University of Portsmouth | Comment (0)
Prima Baby and Pregnancy Magazine reviews ‘This is me, Eating’.
‘This is me, Eating’ and it’s accompanying title ‘This is me, Dressing Up’ are both published by Walker Books as part of their Baby Walker series.

Filed under: Board Books, Neal Layton, This is Me, Walker Books | Comment (0)
Some sneak peeks of the forthcoming Tall Stories stage production of ‘Emily Brown and the Thing’.
The show is currently being rehearsed and opens in June 2014 for a full UK tour. Click here for tour details…

Actor Sam Donovan with Stanley the Rabbit

Stanley and Sam head towards the woods with Emily Brown’s house in the background…
Filed under: Emily Brown, Orchard Books | Comment (0)

Proofs arrive for ‘Where the Bugaboo lives’!
What is it?
A new book written by Sean Taylor, illustrated by Neal Layton.
Why is it different from other picture books?
Because with this book you choose your own adventure! Yes, that’s right. Each time you read it it’s different.
Who is the Bugaboo?
(Your parents might find this book a bit frightening.)
When is it published?
Later this year by Walker Books…
Filed under: Neal Layton, Sean Taylor, Walker Books, Where the Bugaboo Lives | Comment (0)

Finishing artwork for ‘Monster’, a new book by Michael Rosen in the ‘Rover’ series, published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books later this year.
Filed under: Bloomsbury Children's Books, Michael Rosen | Comment (0)

The Story of Stars has been shortlisted for the Information Book Award 2014!
The Information Book Award is an annual event, now in its fourth year. Schools will be invited to take part in the Children’s Choice voting from June to mid-September with the award ceremony taking place in the autumn.
You can find out more about the award and the other books shortlisted here which includes the amazing ‘Bugs’ (illustrated by Jim Kay, and paper engineered by Richard Fergusson, who was also the paper engineer of The Story of Stars.)
Filed under: Hodder Children's Books, The Story of Everything, The Story of Stars, The Story of Things | Comment (0)