The first draft of the third Invincible Tony Spears book is finished and on its way to my publisher! 📕✏️ @hachettekids #hodderchildrensbooks #theinvincibletonyspears #childrensbook #childrensbookillustrator #childrensbookauthor #kidslit #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #draft #book #sent #hurray A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Apr 19, 2017 at 12:04pm PDT
The first draft of the third Invincible Tony Spears book is finished and on its way to my publisher! 📕✏️ @hachettekids #hodderchildrensbooks #theinvincibletonyspears #childrensbook #childrensbookillustrator #childrensbookauthor #kidslit #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #draft #book #sent #hurray
A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Apr 19, 2017 at 12:04pm PDT
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