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September 21st, 2017

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September 21st, 2017

Tony Spears Event

September 21st, 2017

A Sizzling Read

September 21st, 2017

Poo in Chinese

September 21st, 2017

Danny McGee Drinks the Sea

July 20th, 2017

We won a prize!

June 21st, 2017

Where the Bugaboo Lives

June 21st, 2017


4-11 magazine have just given Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads a lovely review…

“Michael Rosen has repeated his winning formula from Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed in this hilarious sequel. Once again Malcolm and his best friend, Crackersnacker are pitted against the ever roaring Uncle Gobb at home and the stifling approaches of Gobb Education at school where there is a baffling inspection underway. Somehow, Malcolm must get Uncle Gobb to America so that not only can he lose him there, but also meet up with his long absent dad who has been haunting his daydreams recently. Uncannily, Uncle Gobb has a very similar plan! Can Brenda the Wender help and what role will the genies have to play? Wordplay, puns, flashbacks, helpful advice, the Jumblies and weasels pepper this book (Yes, I said Jumblies and weasels). Rosen’s universe is zany, fast-moving, witty and almost surreal at times, but anchored by strong themes of friendship, teamwork and parental love. The chapters of varying lengths are brilliantly illustrated by Layton’s equally zany black and white cartoons and have their meaning enhanced by different print sizes. Boys and girls in Y4 plus will laugh out loud at the silliness of it all, while teachers cannot fail to give a wry smile at the satire on education. The test, definitions and index at the back are pure Rosen and I loved ‘LEARNING OBJECTIVE what happens if you object to doing any learning’. Continue making children want to read, Michael and making educationalists question what they are doing! ”

English 4-11 is published jointly by The English Association and UKLA. The magazine covers Early Years through to Year 6 and secondary.

Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads is by Michael Rosen and published in the UK by Bloomsbury Children’s Books.


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