Neal Layton news

Toyn Spears has landed…

October 14th, 2016




TONIGHT in Portsmouth there will be a fundraising auction held at St Jude’s School with some Tony Spears goodies as Lot 44, and lots of other lovely *ahem* lots…

Get down there and help a local school!


Artworking Tony Spears Book 2

October 7th, 2016

Danny McGee Drinks the Sea

October 6th, 2016

The Invincible Tony Spears

September 29th, 2016


The Invincible Tony Spears has just gone up on my website…  click HERE to read more about the book and have a peep inside!


Inside the Invincible!

September 28th, 2016

Bartholomew and the Bug

September 25th, 2016

Lovely insta-review of Bartholomew and the Bug by @thestoriesweread … #Repost @thestoriesweread with @repostapp ・・・ We have a bit of a fascination with bugs going on at the moment. Our observant two year old squeals as he spots flies or ants outside and crouches down low to watch what they do. I love seeing his curiosity and finding books to encourage it. This oldie is one that we have been reading again and again lately. . In Neal Layton’s “Bartholomew and the Bug,” Bartholomew the bear meets a bug with one day to live and a very strong desire to go see the lights of the city. The kind bear quickly realizes this poor bug will not be able to make it to the city on his own and decides to guide him. Adventure ensues as they descend down the mountain, cross rivers and valleys, and hitch a ride to the big city. Upon arrival, the city isn’t as bright as it looked from the mountain top. But, as day turns to night, the entire city is lit in the brightest lights either of them have ever seen- and many other bugs join the party. They dance the night away and have the time of their lives. Bartholomew is forever changed by the experience and the memory of his bug friend. . This book is so silly and serious at the same time. A bug that is constantly saying things like “Wow Crazee!” And “Wild!” teaches us the importance of living each day as if it were your last, taking risks, and how new experiences can change your life. The grizzly bear was enjoying his day to day life of lounging around, but allowed himself to step outside of his comfort zone. His kind act and open mindedness led him to a wonderful life experience. . The author notes at he end of the book that the story was inspired by a camping trip in Nevada. There are real facts about grizzly bears and crane-flies which the story is built around. This is lovely book for learning about these creatures, for finding the joy in each day, and for seeing the beauty that can be found in the unexpected adventures of life.

A photo posted by @neal_layton on

The Tree Reviews

September 19th, 2016


Some wonderful reviews of  ‘The Tree’ from Books for Keeps and Inis Magazine. Huge thanks to both publications, I’m so glad you enjoyed this book… 🙂








Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed by Michael Rosen has been shortlisted for the Sheffield Children’s Book award!


Tony Spears at the Book Nook

September 9th, 2016

Thanks to everyone who came to the recent Tony Spears event at the wonderful Book Nook in Hove!

Lots more Tony Spears events to come, watch this ‘space’ for details…


ts action space

ts signing

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