The first draft of the third Invincible Tony Spears book is finished and on its way to my publisher! 📕✏️ @hachettekids #hodderchildrensbooks #theinvincibletonyspears #childrensbook #childrensbookillustrator #childrensbookauthor #kidslit #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #draft #book #sent #hurray A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Apr 19, 2017 at 12:04pm PDT
Filed under: Author, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, KidsLit, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Invincible Tony Spears, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Lovely article in the New York Times includes my book ‘The Tree’ !📚🌲😊 @Candlewick #newyork #times — Neal Layton (@LaytonNeal) February 13, 2017
Filed under: Author, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Illustrator, Ink Drawings, KidsLit, Media, Miscellaneous, Neal Layton, New York Times, Picture Story Books, Publications, The Tree, Walker Books | Comment (0)
Michael Rosen’s Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads also comes with a free TEST! Publishing tomorrow… With drawings by me. . . . . . . #unclegobbandthegreenheads #bloomsburychildrensbooks #michaelrosen #neallayton #kidstagram #kidslit #childrensbook #childrensbooks #very #silly #childrensbookauthor #childrensbookillustration A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Feb 8, 2017 at 3:25am PST
Filed under: Bloomsbury Children's Books, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Illustrator, KidsLit, Michael Rosen, Neal Layton, Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed, Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Talking strawberries out of jam from #unclegobbandthegreenheads by #michaelrosen publishing Friday. . . . . . #bloomsburychildrensbooks #neallayton #kidstagram #kidslit #childrensbook #childrensbooks #very #silly #childrensbookauthor #childrensbookillustration A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Feb 7, 2017 at 10:56pm PST
Filed under: Bloomsbury Children's Books, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Illustrator, KidsLit, Michael Rosen, Neal Layton, Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed, Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads- about the illustrator… #neallayton #kidsbookstagram #childrensbooks #illustrator #profile #unclegobbandthegreenheads A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jan 19, 2017 at 10:34pm PST
Filed under: Bloomsbury Children's Books, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Illustrator, KidsLit, Michael Rosen, Neal Layton, Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed, Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Huge thanks to everyone who borrowed my books from libraries last year -more than 25000 loans for Michael Rosen’s Rover series 🙌📚 . . . . . #plr17 #libraries #ilovelibraries #saveourlibraries #michaelrosen #neallayton #rover #lovereading #childrensbooks #picturebooks #illustratorsofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #picturestorybooks #childrensillustrator A photo posted by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jan 29, 2017 at 10:58pm PST
Filed under: Bloomsbury Children's Books, Howler, Illustrator, Michael Rosen, Monster, Neal Layton, Rover | Comment (0)