Illustrator and author Neal Layton introduces his event at the Isle of Wight Story Festival 2025. Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence but what exactly is it? This fun and accessible picture book helps tech savvy kids aged 6+ make sense of AI and understand why their human brain is so very special.
Filed under: Author, Author Events, Book Signing, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Hachette Childrens Books, Hachette Publishing, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, Information Books, Isle of Wight Story Festival, KidsLit, Neal Layton, The Invincible Tony Spears, What is AI?, What is AI? | Comment (0)
Artworking is now FINISHED for the NEW Tony Spears Book! 🚀✨🚀✨🚀✨📕 (If you live anywhere near my studio, you probably heard the whoops of joy!) #theinvincibletonyspears #lostinspace It publishes 4.10.18 I can’t wait. A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 28, 2018 at 12:56am PDT
Filed under: Author, Brilliant Blob, Illustrator, Lost in Space, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
Some characters that didn’t make it into the new #InvincibleTonySpears book… Hodder Children's #hodderchildrensbooks #neallayton #sketches A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 15, 2018 at 11:18pm PDT
Filed under: Author, Brilliant Blob, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Illustrator, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
Signed PRIZES for west end centre Short Story Competition! #HodderChildrensBooks #HampshireCulturalTrust A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 10, 2018 at 11:35pm PDT
Filed under: Author, Childrens Book Illustration, Illustrator, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Invincible Tony Spears, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Big Thanks to #haylingislandbookshop for the pop-up shop in #Romsey today…📕📚📕📚✍️ A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 9, 2018 at 9:00am PDT
Filed under: Author, Author Events, Book Signing, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Cressida Cowell, Cressida Cowell, Danny McGee Drinks the Sea, Emily Brown, Emily Brown, Emily Brown and the Elephant Emergency, Emily Brown and the Thing, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, KidsLit, Neal Layton, Picture Story Books, That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
Huge thanks to @ChiHighSchool for hosting today in your lovely theatre, and to all the schools who came! weAREjys #centralschool and more…📕📚📕📚 A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 5, 2018 at 2:05pm PDT
Filed under: Author, Author Events, Book Signing, Chichester High School, Illustrator, Neal Layton, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
5,4,3,2,1… we have LIFT OFF… The Invincible Tony Spears and the Brilliant Blob is published… 🚀✨📚 And I’m just a little bit mega excited about it…whooop! Big thanks to all @hodderchildrens -> sneak peeks to follow… . . . #new #book #theinvincibletonyspears #kidsbooks #kidslit #neallayton #exciting #space #adventure #childrensbook #childrensbooks #childrensbookauthor #childrensbookillustration #hodderchildrensbooks #hachettepublishing A […]
Filed under: Author, Brilliant Blob, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, Neal Layton, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
Looking forward to visiting Tangmere, Kingsham +Jessie YoungHusband #Primary #Schools in #Chichester tomorrow.🚀✨✏️ #theinvincibletonyspears #hodderchildrensbooks #hachettepublishing #neallayton A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 12, 2017 at 6:41am PDT
Filed under: Author, Brilliant Blob, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, KidsLit, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears, Young Fiction | Comment (0)
Thanks to @chichesterhighsch for hosting yesterday, and to all the #primary #schools that visited. It was great to meet you all! 🚀✨ A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 14, 2017 at 2:08am PDT
Filed under: Author, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Invincible Tony Spears | Comment (0)
Arrived in the post- the FIRST copy of the NEW Tony Soears book! 📕🚀✨👀 . . . . #theinvincibletonyspears #author #copy #hodderchildrensbooks #hachettepublishing #neallayton #space #adventure #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #childrensbook #choldrensbooks #childrensbookauthor #childrensbookillustration A post shared by Neal Layton (@neal_layton) on Jul 16, 2017 at 11:01pm PDT
Filed under: Author, Brilliant Blob, Childrens Book Illustration, Childrens Book Illustrator, Dip pens, Hodder Children's Books, Illustrator, KidsLit, Media, Neal Layton, Science Fiction, The Brilliant Tony Spears, The Invincible Tony Spears, Young Fiction | Comment (0)