Neal Layton news

Archive for the ‘Childrens Book Illustration’ category

The Tree publishes today

May 5th, 2016

  It’s publication day for ‘The Tree’ my new picture storybook with Walker Books…!  

Trailer for 'The Tree'

April 26th, 2016

  A short trailer I made for my forthcoming picture story book ‘The Tree’ (It’s actually meant to loop which is why it’s so short…!) ‘The Tree’ will be published in May by Walker Children’s Books.    

  A short trailer I made for my forthcoming book ‘The Invincible Tony Spears.’ (It’s actually meant to loop which is why it’s so short…!) ‘The Invincible Tony Spears’ will be published in July by Hodder Children’s Books.  

  The trip started bright and early on Tuesday morning with the 6.50 Easyjet to Bologna. I nearly missed the flight ending up with only 9 minutes to get from security to my gate. Note to self: don’t wear a metal buttoned shirt when flying!     After meeting Adam Stower and my agent Alison Eldred […]

Bologna 2016!

March 31st, 2016

Each spring, the children’s publishing world converges on the historic Italian city of Bologna for a huge trade fair. It’s been running for over 50 years now and is unique because it is the only book fair exclusively for children’s books. I’ll be visiting the show again this year soaking up the atmosphere and meeting my […]

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