Neal Layton news

Story of Things Review

June 26th, 2012

The Story of Things received a *STARRED* review in this month’s Publishers Weekly.

They call the book “A masterful balance of humor, information, and interactive fun.” Click here to read the full review online!

The Story of Things Cover


2 Responses to “Story of Things Review”

  1. Amanda Hoover

    I work at a public library in Ohio and this book caught my eye on the shelf, so I picked it up and started reading it. It was so interesting as it made everything from the stone age to the modern ages to appear so much more meaningful to me. I really liked the pop-ups and side notes on every page. However, I was a little confused when when I turned to the modern age page as it stated that this era took place 500-0 years ago. Working with children, I am concerned that they might be misled by this information as cell phones and microwaves were not around 500 years ago. If this is a mistake, which I am guessing that it’s supposed to be 50 years instead, would it be possible to receive a new revised copy if it has been published? Thank you very much, and I a, looking forward to the next fascinating book!

  2. admin

    Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for getting in touch – you are indeed correct – it SHOULD have read 50-0 years! I’m sorry that error made it into print. As far as I know there is a second edition planned. I’ve passed your note on to my publisher to make sure it gets amended.

    I’m currently working on a third book in the series, The Story of Stars – shoe-horning the entire cosmos into ten pages! In fact the deadline is next week… I’d better get back to my drawing board!


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